Local Austin TX Lenders
Why Local? Local professionals have instant access and usually a relationship with their underwriting team. That means when they need something ‘from the underwriter’ regarding your file, they walk down the hall and speak with that person. Or, the underwriter is on speed dial and ready to answer their question and fully approve your loan.
This is why local lenders are important. They work in our local market, often by referral, and your satisfaction is paramount to them.
Isn’t this internet lender a better deal? I’ve had buyers go through incredibly frustrating circumstances and red tape when working with online lenders or large scale lenders. Hidden fees, little to no communication, and closing delays (2 weeks up to a month) are just a few of the nightmares my clients have faced when using an internet lender.
A strong, local lender is going to be noticed in your offer by a seller and their Realtor. That’s right, we include the pre-approval letter in your offer.
Why get pre-approved before making an offer? It’s important to speak with a mortage broker and go through the pre-approval or pre-qualification process prior to viewing homes on the market.
What if you think you’re qualified to spend $XXX,XXX, and we see homes at that price. After seeing a few homes you find one you like. You then go get pre-approved and the lender shows you what the payment looks like with your offer price that includes home owner’s insurance, property taxes, and home owner’s dues …and you don’t qualify, or perhaps you don’t feel comfortable with that mortgage payment. Moving forward, no home will meet the standards of that first one you wanted, but could not buy. It is so true that comparison is the theif of joy in this instance.
So let’s get you pre-approved up front so you have the confidence in purchasing a home that you love. Austin TX and surrounding markets require a confident buyer. Pre-approval is strategic to making your best offer in this market.

I’ve worked with each and every lender below.
Excellent experiences with each individual.
Expect consistent and helpful communication and an on time closing with each of these mortgage professionals.
Kimberly Jones
Mortgage Loan Originator, NMLS# 814140
Cell: 512.608.3000
Ark-La-Tex Financial Services, LLC/ NMLS# 2143
Matthew Breston, Iron Harbor Mortgage
866.321.4733 | reston@IronHarbor.com | www.IronHarbor.com
The Leman Team, Loan People (Condo specialist)
512.710.1400 | team@maxleaman.com | maxleman.com
Jim Jordan, First United Mortgage Group
512.736.1122 jim.jordan@firstunitedbank.com | jjordan.firstunitedteam.com
Alex Ihler, Fairway Mortgage
254.315.7111 | aihler@fairwaymc.com | www.fairwayindependentmc.com/Alex-Ihler
Stephanie Donnell, The Home Loan Expert
737.300.9740 | stephanie@thehomeloanexpert.com| stephaniedonnell.com